Leading into the Unknown: Manager to Multiplier

THURSDAY, August 26, 2021
12-12:30 PM ET

We all know how to lead into the known.  
We look into the future, chart our course, and measure progress.  

But what happens when we can’t see the road in front of us?  
When we don’t have maps for the new territory?

Discover how to lead into the unknown 

On Thursday, August 26, Mark Bonchek will lead a 30-minute spotlight session covering two powerful models for navigating in times of uncertainty and change.

  1. “Listen, Discern and Act” 

    The industrial model of leadership was Analyze, Plan and Control. But this doesn’t work when the information to analyze is outdated, the plan becomes obsolete before it’s been communicated, and efforts to control the outcome are too slow or even counterproductive.

    The solution is to embrace a new orientation that listens for what’s emerging, discerns old and new ways of thinking, and empowers action without the need for direct control.

    In the spotlight session, we’ll cover the key practices of “listen, discern and act”.

  2. “Manager to Multiplier”

    For years, organizations have focused on continuous improvement. But it’s not enough to be incremental. The world is exponential. Leaders need to achieve discontinuous improvement. You can manage for the incremental, but you have to multiply for the exponential.

    To make the shift from manager to multiplier, we need to unlearn old ways of thinking, empower teams with purpose and principles, unleash network effects, and keep yourself and others energized through transformative change.

    In the spotlight session, we’ll review the key shifts of manager to multiplier, and preview an exciting opportunity to go deeper in an upcoming Shift Expedition.

Please register so that we can send you a reminder and a link to the recording.

See you Thursday August 26 at Noon ET as we learn to lead into the unknown!

Questions? Please contact Rita Spataro at rita@shift.to