Work Better Together by Thinking Better Together


New ways of working start with new ways of thinking.

The Thinking Styles model enables you to bring greater consciousness to your thinking, and use thinking itself as a currency for collaboration.

Teams can use Thinking Styles to achieve greater cognitive diversity and more productive collaboration.

Note that Thinking Styles are unrelated to personality. We use all of the Thinking Styles at different times. The point is to use the right thinking in the right context. We tend to favor some styles more than others, so need to be aware of our natural inclinations and leverage the complementary styles of others.

Shift Thinking regularly holds free introductions to Thinking Styles for members of the Shift Community. You can be notified of the next session by subscribing to the Shift Newsletter, or use the form below to schedule a call about using Thinking Styles with your team.

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These resources will help you explore and apply the Thinking Styles model:

  • Read these two articles from Harvard Business Review, one focused on using Thinking Styles for yourself and one for how to use them with your team.

  • Watch this recording of the most recent introductory session held in August 2021.

  • Use this worksheet with your team to use Thinking Styles as a currency for collaboration.

If you would like to learn more about Thinking Styles and how it can help you improve collaboration and performance on your teams, please contact us with the form below.


Questions? Please contact Rita Spataro at